The CORE Organic pilot projects
The main objective of the precurser, CORE Organic, was enhancing the quality, relevance and resource utilization in organic food and farming research. Partners from 11 countries launched 8 transnationally funded research projects These projects ran from 2007 to 2010.
Read more about CORE Organic and the 8 pilot projects
News: CORE Organic continues at http://www.coreorganic.org/
The FP7 project CORE Organic II ended 31 August 2013. The final report is here
CORE Organic continues as CORE Organic Plus and the Plus website can be found here: http://www.coreorganic.org.
CORE Organic Research Seminar 2014
The 14 projects initiated presented their results at a Research Seminar in Stockholm, 1 October 2014. Eleven of the projects are nearly finished, and articles will be prepared by the CORE Organic secretariat, to highlight the results which are ready for transnational implementation. The leaflets and websites have been updated, please find them under Research Project above, selecting the indivial projects.
An article about the event can be found here: Scientists are breaking the waves for organic farming, as well as a video. The very short presentations can be found here
Third call: The project selected from the third call using the real common pot funding instrument is IMPROVE-P: IMproved Phosphorus Resource efficiency in Organic agriculture Via recycling and Enhanced biological mobilization. The coordinator is Kurt Möller, Institute of Crop Science, Universität Hohenheim, Germany. See website www.coreorganic2.org/improve-P
Second call: One project was selected from each of the thematic research areas of the second call:
COBRA - Coordinating Organic plant BReeding Activities for Diversity coordinated by Bruce Pearce, The Organic Research Centre, United Kingdom. Websites and leaflets can be found www.coreorganic2.org/cobra
and HealthyGrowth - Healthy growth: From niche to volume with integrity and trust coordinated by Egon Noe, Agroecology, Aarhus University, Denmark. Websites and leaflets can be found www.coreorganic2.org/healthygrowth
First call:
The 11 research projects funded from the first call :
Softpest multitrap
All publications from the projects can be found in Organic Eprints via this direct link
CORE Organic newsletter
The CORE Organic newsletters will display results from the CORE Organic funded projects. Please find the second issue here. and first issue here.
CORE Organic research seminar in the Netherlands 15 May 2013
The projects initiated by CORE Organic II presented their projects and results at a meeting in Amsterdam 15 May 2013. The first part of the meeting was open for all. Read more here. Krijn Poppe from Wageningen University gave a key note talk with the title "Linking your results with AKIS - Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems in Transition", the presentation can be found here. The CORE Organic partner Thomas Alföldi from FiBL gave an inspirational talk on project disseminaton: Tips, tricks and lessons learnt. It can be found here.
A compilation of short introductions of the 14 projects can be found here
CORE Organic research seminar in Paris 30 November 2011
Please find here a link to a newsletter about the event and here a link to Organic Eprints with the presentations from the 11 new CORE Organic II projects and the 8 finalised CORE Organic I projects. | |
Welcome to CORE Organic II
The European transnational research cooperation project, the ERA-net named CORE Organic II, consists of a network of 26 partners from 21 European countries.
The main aim of CORE Organic II is to agree on common research priorities and to select transnational research projects to be funded by the partners.
The ERA-net started in March 2010 and runs for three years. It will launch at least two transnational calls, initiate research projects organize project monitoring and dissemination of results, and consider funding models.
Map showing the 21 partner countries (26 partners in total)

| Great potential for innovation
Organic agriculture and food markets have grown considerably and organic agriculture addresses important challenges of European agriculture, such as sustainable production of high quality food, reducing dependency on high energy inputs, improving environmental and nature conservation, climate change adaptation, animal welfare and rural livelihoods.
Organic farming and food systems still have a big potential for innovation and improved solutions.
Read more about CORE Organic II...
Contact the coordinator
CORE Organic II was coordinated by International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, ICROFS
Website: www.icrofs.org
E-mail: coreorganic@icrofs.org
Phone: +45 87157716 (Ulla Sonne Bertelsen)
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